Multi-Modal Classification Data Formats

There are several possible input formats you may use for Multi-Modal Classification tasks. The input formats are inspired by the MM-IMDb format.

Data Formats

Directory based

Each subset of data (E.g: train and test) should be in its own directory. The path to the directory can then be given directly to either train_model() or eval_model().

Each data sample should have a text portion and an image associated with it (and a label/labels for training and evaluation data). The text for each sample should be in a separate JSON file. The JSON file may contain other fields in addition to the text itself but they will be ignored. The image associated with each sample should be in the same directory and both the text and the image must have the same identifier except for the file extension (E.g: 000001.json and 000001.jpg).

Directory and file list

All data (including both train and test data) should be in the same directory. The path to this directory should be given to both train_model() and eval_model(). A second argument, files_list specifies which files should be taken from the directory. files_list can be a Python list or the path to a JSON file containing the list of files.

Each data sample should have a text portion and an image associated with it (and a label/labels for training and evaluation data). The text for each sample should be in a separate JSON file. The JSON file may contain other fields in addition to the text itself but they will be ignored. The image associated with each sample should be in the same directory and both the text and the image must have the same identifier except for the file extension (E.g: 000001.json and 000001.jpg).

Pandas DataFrame

Data can also be given in a Pandas DataFrame. When using this format, the image_path argument must be specified and it should be a String of the path to the directory containing the images. The DataFrame should contain at least 3 columns as detailed below.

  • text (str) - The text associated with the sample.
  • images (str) - The relative path to the image file from image_path directory.
  • labels (str) - The label (or list of labels for multilabel tasks) associated with the sample.

Note: Both the training and evaluation data formats follow the specification given above and are identical to each other.
